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This quote is using the literary term rhetorical question. Lenina did not actually expect a response to her question. It was more of a remark of amazement towards the poor conditions that the savages lived in. The purpose of the question was to create an effect for Lenina's disgust and confusion of these barbaric creatures. Lenina and Bernard are staying the night in the Reservation, but Lenina is starting to have second thoughts. She is somewhat appalled by the Reservation already, and keeps saying how she does not like it, even though she wanted to go. Bernard knows more about the savages than Lenina does, and explains that these people have been living like this for thousands of years. I find it ironic that Lenina doesn't get why they would live like that and she lives in a very futuristic, sophisticated civilization, and yet we may ask the same questions about Indians living in a reservation now. It seems no matter what period in time, some people like to live in a simple, old way and others prefer to be more advanced and civilized.
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