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This quote is just the beginning of an anecdote told by the Director to Bernard Marx. The Director was talking out loud, but was telling the story almost as if it were to himself. In fact, he harldy even realizes that Bernard is there. The brief story is about how he had gone to New Mexico before with a girl he was having and she had gotten lost during a storm. She was never found again, and the Director admitted that he was very upset and still dreams of her and that day. The Director later reassures Bernard that he did not have feelings for this girl and that their relationship was healthy and not longdrawn. I believe that the Director was lying when he said this. The author put the Director's anecdote into the plot, because it shows that the Director does have emotions and feelings even though he doesn't want others to know. The anecdote retracts the robot-like image that the Director has shown so far. He strongly believes in his work, so he can not let others see that he has emotions.
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