"'He's so ugly!' said Fanny.
'But I rather like his looks.'
'And then so small.' Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste.
'I think that's rather sweet' said Lenina."
-Page 46
This is just part of a conversation between Fanny Crowne and Lenina Crowne about choosing men. This particular quote is referring to Bernard Marx. Lenina had been only getting with Henry Foster, and sense "every one belongs to every one else" she was suggesting other guys to get with. She had been asked on a date by Bernard Marx and was going to say yes, but Fanny disagreed with her decision. In this quote the author uses indirect characterization. One can easily tell that Fanny is somewhat shallow and puts a lot of emphasis on looks and reputation. Lenina however, puts more thought into the guys she might get with. She thinks Bernard is a sweet guy and does not care what other people think of him. Just from this conversation the author reveals a lot of information about the characters. Huxley does not specifically say "this is how the characters are," so the characterization is indirect.
good analysis here
ReplyDeleteidk what to think of this, i want to believe that there might be more to this that we are not seeing. maybe we should look into this more, we can find things that have not been discovered, all I am asking is that you go on this journey with me and find out what this really means.