Friday, July 8, 2011

Bernard's Motivation (Brave New World: 12)

"'I wonder if you'd like to come back to London with us?' he asked, making the first move in a campaign whose strategy he had been secretly elaborating ever since, in the little house, he had realized who the 'father' of this young savage must be."
-Page 138

The author reveals to the reader Bernard's motivation for asking John to come back with him and Lenina to London. He tells us that Bernard has a plan to bring back John to meet his real father, the Director. Revealing Bernard's motivation allows the reader to predict or start wondering what is going to happen next. I am not sure how Bernard is going to present John to the Director. He could just try to introduce them, or he might try to black mail the Director into letting him keep his job in London. I'm assuming that the Director will deny, in all ways, the legitimacy of John being his son, but I could be wrong. John is very excited to be able to leave the Reservation and experience the things Linda has been telling him about. He keeps referring to it as the "Brave New World." Bernard understand his excitement, but warns John that it is not as great as it might seem.

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