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In this quote, the author uses an onomatopoeia. Huxley creates the sound of a beehive with the words "Buzz, buzz!" This onomatopoeia is used to create the image of the beehive, and comapring it to the Bloomsbury Centre. The chaos and constant noise and movement at the Centre is similar to the comotion of a beehive. Babies are being "born," infants are being nurtuted and learning lessons through electric shock, and toddler's are sleeping and unknowingly being taught through hypnopaedic lessons. Workers are rapidly moving about. Some are whistling, others are conversing, and some are cracking jokes. Eggs are being fertilized, and conntrolled science is at constant work. Huxley wants the reader to understand that the Centre is a hectic place, filled with constant motion and sound. The buzzing sound helps create this image, in which the reader can relate.
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