Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Holy Trinity (POUI Poems)

"I, like an usurped town"

The poem "Batter my heart, three-personed God" by John Donne references the Holy Trinity. The speaker, and probably in this case the author, are Christian and believe in the one being of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The speaker is talking to God asking for help. Lines 2 and 4 are parallel to each other. The words "knock" and "break," "breathe" and "blow," and "shine" and "burn" each resemble the other. He compares himself to "an usurped town" and I looked up usurped, which means captured. The speaker could be captured by sin and wants God to forgive him of his sin. Also, "betrothed unto your enemy" could represent sin taking over his life. He recognizes his wrongdoings and understands that he needs God's help to be forgiven and avoid sin. This poem could easily be a prayer that the speaker is saying, or that the author made up.

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