Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting Out (Tone Poems)

"We held on tight, and let go."

This poem is about a couple who split from a marriage. The speaker is the woman, and she is addressing her ex-husband. In the first line, she uses a simile, "waking like inmates who beat the walls," comparing her and her husband before they split to inmates. She uses the pronoun "we" a lot, leading me to think that their split was not being blamed on one of them and that the feeling was mutual. They both agreed that the realtionship was heading in the wrong direction, but at the same time they were sad to be ending their marriage and be leaving each other. This is proven in the text, "Taking hands we walked apart, until our arms stretched between us. We held on tight, and let go." I think the woman is understanding that splitting was the best thing, but she can't help but miss him and reminisce their relationship.

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