Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Apparition (Tone Poems)

"When by thy scorn, O murderess, I am dead,"

The speaker's tone in this poem is very angry and vengeful. He is angry with a woman that he had a previous relationship with, probably an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend. Based on the quote above, she has killed him. There seems to be text that supports the literal meaning that she actually killed him, but I don't think it truly is meant to be taken literally. He says, "then shall my ghost come to thy bed," which means that he is going to haunt her. The speaker then mentions another man, who the woman is with now. He is most likely saying that he is going to be a burden to their relationship. The speaker insists that "my love is spent," but in reality, if he was over this girl, he would not be going through this much trouble. I think that the speaker still has feelings for the woman and is angry that she doesn't like him back. Also, he is jealous of the new guy she is with.

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