Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bright Star (Chapter 5 Poem Blogs)

"Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art-"

This quote is the first line in John Keats poem and is the central purpose of the poem. The speaker wants to be forever unchanging, like the "Bright star." He is addressing the bright star, which is most likely the North Star or Polaris. The speaker is in love and is currently with his lover. He never wants to leave this situation and wants to be with her for forever. Lines 10-14 allow the reader to recognize that the two lovers are cuddling or very close together. The star is "watching, with eternal lids apart" over Earth, not the star being watched by Earth. Lines 5-6 use religious themes to describe the characteristics of the star. Keats uses "moving waters" (holy water) "priestlike" and "pure ablution."

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