Monday, April 30, 2012

The Great Gatsby 9

"Or perhaps I had merely grown used to it, grown to accept West Egg as a world complete in itself, with its own standards and its own great figures, second to nothing because it had no consciousness of being so, and now I was looking at it again, through Daisy's eyes." -page 105

Contrasting places can often have an important role in a novel. In the Great Gatsby, West Egg Village is contrasted to East Egg. Actually in this case, West Egg is contrasted with the entire world. West Egg is totally different and separate from any type of normal life. It is a crazy place that is different from the rest of the real world. It is filled with rumors, conspiracies, parties, and drama. Nick Carraway is caught directly in the middle too. He is the next door neighbor to and friend of Jay Gatsby, who is the center of all of the commotion. The characteristics of West Egg are hard to fathom as a teenager from the Midwest that has never even been to New York.  I can only imagine the craziness of this place. Setting is a very crucial part of the plot.

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