Monday, April 23, 2012

Great Gatsby 4

"One October day in nineteen-seventeen - (said Jordan Baker that afternoon, sitting up very straight on a straight chair in the tea-garden at the Plaza Hotel)..."
-page 75

This quote begins an anecdote that is told by Jordan Baker. The author uses parentheses to let the reader know that the narrator for this particular story has changed to Jordan. Mr. Gatsby wanted Nick to hear this story, but did not want to tell it himself. He also wanted the story to come from Jordan's point of view. This type of writing reflects more about Fitzgerald's style. The author could have told the story differently, but he wanted Jordan to be the narrator at this point. Her perspective will relate better to Nick and he will have more sympathy to help Gatsby meet up with Daisy. Also, the parentheses make it easy for the reader to understand what is going on before they read through the entire anecdote. I enjoy Fitzgerald's writing style and think that it is easier to understand than other authors.

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