"Thirty - the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinnning list of singlemen to know, a thinning briefcase of enthusiasm, thinning hair." -page 136
This is a crucial point of Nick's internal conflicts. He barely remembers his own 30th birthday, and he is not excited for the future at all. He has no one to wish him happy birthday and realizes that he is not that happy with his own life. Also, he realizes that turning 30 his life is only going to go down hill and be more boring. It is safe to say that he is scared of the future. Internal conflicts are an important part of the novel. These psychological events of Nick allow the reader to understand what is going on in his mind and what he thinks about the other characters. Nick is a very complex character who almost seems bipolar. The reader also sometimes sees the internal events of Gatsby, because the narrator, Nick, is able to understand what he is thinking at points in the novel.
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