Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunters in the Snow 2 (Characterization)

"'I'm going to the hospital,' Kenny said. But he was wrong. They had taken a different turn a long way back." -page 201

This quote shows truly how careless and idiodic these three men are. Also, it shows how terrible of friends they are. Yes, Kenny pulled a very bad prank, but he got shot. Tub and Frank are showing no sympathy though. Their friend is in a lot of pain and they drop him, take his blanket, leave him in the truck, and don't take the right way to the hospital. He most likely would have healed from his bullet wound and been fine. However, with the horrific treatment from his friends, and based on the quote above, Kenny will probably end up bleeding to death or having a very serious injury. I find it strange how the author worded the last sentence. He did not say, "They had taken a WRONG turn," He said, "They had taken a DIFFERENT turn." This almost seems to imply that the two friends chose to go the wrong way. Or maybe the author's diction is this way to emphasize the neglect and carelessness of Frank and Tub. Either way, I'm glad none of these guys are my friends.

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