Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Everyday Use (Characterization Blogs)

"'Take one or two of the others,' I said to Dee." -page 181

The "likeability" factor for Dee might be one of the lowest on any character I have ever read about. She is stuck-up, rude, selfish, and greedy. I think the strong dislike I have for her influences me to have sympathy for and like Maggie and Mama. Based on previous stories and the way Dee acts towards her mom, Mama has always been a push-over with Dee. Dee has always gotten what she wanted and has rarely been told "no." Finally, in the end, Mama sticks up for herself and makes a decision that goes against what Dee wants. She tells Dee that she is going to give Maggie the quilts and Dee will have to take other ones. Dee storms off saying that they don't understand. Maggie, who was intimidated by and somewhat scared of Dee, gains some confidence and is happy when Mama sticks up for her. Yes, Mama and Maggie are uneducated and lower class, but they embrace this fact. Especially at the end of the story, they are not ashamed of the way they are, and do not care that Dee does not think much of them.

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