Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Part 2 (Never Let Me Go: 8)

"He was this grumpy old guy who turned up two or three times a week in his muddy van to look the place over. He didn't like to talk to us much, and the way he went round sighing and shaking his head disgustedly implied we weren't doing nearly enough to keep the place up."
-page 116

I am now on Part 2 of the novel, and Kathy and the rest of her class are no longer students at Hailsham. This quote is describing Keffers, who is sort of a grounds keeper or landlord for the Cottages. The Cottages are where most of the students went to live after leaving Hailsham, although some went to live at other places, and not everyone at the Cottages were from Hailsham. I used this quote because Keffers is a flat character. There is a chance that he will show up again in other parts of the story, but I find it very unlikely that he shows any change. He is very one dimensional in that he is a very grumpy and rude old man. I think that Ishiguro put Keffers into the story just to emphasize the dramatic change from Hailsham to the real world. All of the guardians and workers, besides Madame, at Hailsham were extremely friendly and caring, but in the real world, not everyone was like that. Also in this chapter, Kath tells Ruth that she is annoyed with how Ruth trys to act exactly like some of the veterans at the Cottages, especially in her relationship with Tommy.

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