Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Know That Feeling (Never Let Me Go: 6)

"I don't know what I'd expected; for all my fantasies of the past month, I'd never really considered what it would be like in a real situation like the one unfolding at that moment."
-page 60

Ruth got this special pencil case, and suggested that Mrs. Geraldine, her favorite guardian, had given it to her as a gift. Kath did not believe that Mrs. Geraldine would do that, and was very annoyed by Ruth trying to show off. Kath wasn't positive, but figured that Ruth had seen the case in the Sales and had bought it before anyone else had seen it. Kath had come up with a plan to pretend like she knew that Ruth had gotten it in the Sales without actually saying it. Once they were alone, Kath said she had read the Sales sheet and saw every purchase, and Ruth knew that Kath had caught her lie. Ruth had gotten very upset, almost cried, and stormed off. Kath had been wanting to confront her for so long, but once it actually happened she felt terrible for making Ruth feel that way, and realized there was no reason for doing that. This is the use of situational irony, because Kath expected to enjoy Ruth admitting her lie, but instead she felt terrible about it. I have had that same thing happen to me before, when I called someone out on a lie or exaggeration, but then realize that it makes no difference, and I could have just let it go.

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