Wednesday, February 15, 2012

As You Like It 3

"Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,
Hath not old custom made this life more sweet
Than that of painted pomp?
Are not these woods
More free from peril than the envious court?"
-Page 17 Act II Scene I

This quote comes from Duke Senior, and is the first thing he says in the play. We know he has been banished and is living in the Forest of Arden. From this quote, we can tell that he is not that upset with his new location. He actually prefers the forest over the city. I found the settings of the play to be interesting. A city normally is a place of civility, order, peace, and security. A forest is normally scary, violent, and mysterious. In this play, the opposite is found true. The city is hosting wrestling matches to the death, threats are being made to burn down houses, and Duke Frederick is banishing people from the city. It is crazy, corrupt, and savage. The forest is actually sweet, relaxing, and peaceful. The people that were born there love it. The people that have been living there awhile actually prefer it over the city. Also, the forest seems to have some magic or romance to it, since many characters fall in love and get married there. Even Duke Frederick decides to leave the city, step down as Duke, and learn the ways of the forest.

I think the same concept of preferring the forest over "civil" life once one experiences it is seen in the movie Avatar too.

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