Thursday, January 26, 2012

Othello 2

"Thus do I ever make my fool my purse,
For I mine own gained knowledge should profane
If I would time expend with such a snipe
But for my sport and profit."
- I.iii.363-366

This quote is from Iago in his soliloquy at the end of Act 1. He is saying that he would be wasting his time with Roderigo if he didn't get something out of it in return. Iago just uses Roderigo for money and to use him in his plots against other people. This is an example of "appearance and reality are not always the same," because Roderigo thinks Iago is his good friend who is trying to help him out. The theme "jealousy is a powerful, often destructive force" is proven with Roderigo's jealousy of Othello, because he is married to Desdemona. He says he is in love with her and is on the brink of suicide because he is so jealous. "Hatred is often based on preconceived notions" is apparent with how people treat Othello. He is black so people assume certain things about him and hate him for what they do not know. Brabantio assumes that Othello had tricked his daughter into marrying him and hates him for this, when in reality she freely chose him. The last theme, "showing love can often require courage," is shown when Othello asks Desdemona to marry him behind her father's back. Also, Roderigo makes himself vulnerable by allowing Desdemona to know that he loves her. I think these themes will appear in Acts 4 and 5 as well.

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