"Can someone make my simple wish come true?"
This poem is referring to the Personals section in a newspaper, where people with "lonely hearts" advertise themselves, and give a brief description of themselves or what type of person they are looking for. The author is satirizing these people who are trying to find love through a newspaper. The people say that their wish is simple, but in their descriptions they are somewhat specific. There is a lot of diversity in the Personals. There is a male biker, a gay vegetarian, an executive looking for a bisexual woman, an attractive Jewish lady with a son, and a Libran looking for a slim non-smoker under twenty-one. However, they all live in the same city and are all looking for the same thing - love. The villanelle allows for the repetition of the effective lines, "Do you live in North London? Is it you?" and the quote above. The different people are each looking for a specific person, who they think will complete their lives.
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